A Tiny Dog With A Dash Of Cat
The dog that eats like a mouse, plays like a cat and thinks like a dog. Created for companionship the world’s smallest breed is loyal, affordable and affectionate. This breed tends to shed a little but is highly trainable and otherwise very low maintenance. Some do not care to be picked up, over exerted or restrained. Most are leery of loud noises, strangers and rambunctious children.
Ideally suited for an individual, but with the proper training and precautions in place, Chihuahuas make a fabulous family pet as well. Chihuahuas prefer the warm quiet life in the company of their amigos and fellow Chihuahuas. They are very alert, agile, entertaining and possibly the most reliable security alarm system ever created. Our little buddies all love playing, sleeping and learning as a pack but nothing beats the master’s lap or a sunny siesta on the patio, if you’re a Chihuahua.
Much like cats they prefer having a partner, not just for the fellowship but to assist in the grooming of those pesky hard to reach areas. Even more catlike traits often include being sneaky, possessive, moody, comical, curious, agile, stubborn, lazy and others. They come in smooth and long coat and a variety of color schemes. No two are alike as each one comes with a very unique personality.
Chihuahuas are fun, easy to care for and love their owners dearly. Unfortunately they’re also fragile, fearful and often vocal. We prefer to find single owners or small quiet families for our Chihuahua puppies. We seldom place them in families with children under the age of five and recommend a standard Shih Tzu or perhaps a designer breed for those with little ones. Please refer to the AKC for the official Chihuahua breed standards.
Origin: Mexico
Group: Companion
Height: 6 to 9 inches
Weight: 2 to 6 pounds
Activity Level: Low
Selecting the appropriate breed is often more important than choosing which puppy. It’s always best to refer to the AKC to obtain a general idea of the breeds structure, temperament and care requirements before selecting your breed. We also have some very reliable “pick of the litter” methods on our shopping tips page.
Secondly, you should try to speak with someone that actually owns the breed as a pet, rather than just the folks trying to sell you one. Also keep in mind, how they were initially cared for and later trained greatly determines how they look and behave now.
MODOG breed descriptions are based solely on our personal interpretation of, and experience with, these particular breeds. These are not official standards and may or may not accurately reflect the general characteristics of each breed.
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