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One Breed, Three Sizes


I adore this breed and highly encourage families to give toy, miniature and standard poodles much consideration when researching breeds. All our females are on an “in-house” rotation, so were are very spoiled by having a variety of breeds as pets, but nothing beats poodle night!


Hands down one of the easy breeds to communicate with. This typically makes training and all aspects of ownership more enjoyable. Somehow “they” proved poodles are the smartest breed and as a whole I would have to agree. Being smart also means they’re capable of astounding feats of escape, deceit, trickery, thievery and posses amazing powers of persuasion and instigation as well.


Yes it’s true they are hypoallergenic but all dogs shed. I believe the poodle has the slowest shed cycle of any breed supporting a full coat. Maintenance requires an average groomer, or some good clippers and a little practice to do it yourself. If you prefer to brush daily, just trim the face and feet and let the rest grow out to enjoy all the marvelous splendor that coined the phrase “fine as poodle hair”. It’s virtually dirt and waterproof too!


Overall the poodle is a good sound choice for nearly any lifestyle. They do however require mental stimulation, lots of affection and moderate exercise making them a poor selection for a “home alone” pets or neglected kennel dogs. If you have the time and skills poodles will learn to do almost anything or absolutely nothing to earn your love. Please refer to AKC for official breed standards.







Origin: France

Group: Companion

Height: 11 to 15 inches

Weight: 14 to 16 pounds

Activity Level: Moderate





Selecting the appropriate breed is often more important than choosing which puppy. It’s always best to refer to the AKC to obtain a general idea of the breeds structure, temperament and care requirements before selecting your breed. We also have some very reliable “pick of the litter” methods on our shopping tips page.


Secondly, you should try to speak with someone that actually owns the breed as a pet, rather than just the folks trying to sell you one. Also keep in mind, how they were initially cared for and later trained greatly determines how they look and behave now.


MODOG breed descriptions are based solely on our personal interpretation of, and experience with, these particular breeds. These are not official standards and may or may not accurately reflect the general characteristics of each breed.

























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