Customer Referrals
Page Two
Hi Robert,
Just wanted to let you know we love “Darcy” who is now Sadie. You must have some good operation going on down there. She is just the best behaved puppy we’ve ever had. Our Bichon just loves her too.
Anyway, thanks for the puppy and keep up the good work!
Delores Helwig Fenton, MO
Shih Tzu
Commercial Shipping
Oh my gosh....I am more than thrilled!!!!There's so much I want to tell you, but the important stuff is more than ok! She's eaten, pooped, drank, and run laps around the yard!!!!!! She walked in the house , looked around.......and took off! Acts like she's lived here forever!!!!
I am so impressed with her, and that's all because of you! Thank you ever so much.....will write soon!!!! (Gotta go kiss my puppie some more!!)
Letitia Locke Maria Stein, OH
*Waiting List
Customer Pick Up
“Hi Robert
She is wonderful and so enjoyable. Not a fan of the kennel though! We are working through not using the kennel now & all seems to be much better.
She responds to her name & follows us when we say come! She is learning about the
3 time feeding & adjusting very well in her new forever home.”
Alisha Dolt
Lawson, MO
Mal Shi
Commercial Shipping
She is 9 pounds and as cute as ever!! She is awesome with the kids and loves the endless attention. She is skittish of people but she loves dogs her size. If it is a big dog she cries like she being eaten. She is so funny to watch and everyone loves her.
She listens so well that even our neighbors can't believe it. She is a great dog. My husband was not fond of getting her and now she is his baby. She goes nuts when he gets home. We love her so much!
Thank you.
Crystal McCarty, Vienna, WV
(customer pick up)
Hi Robert,
I'm sending a video attachment of Tori in this email, now known as Sammi. She weighs about 12 pounds and my new vet gave her a clean bill of health...she's still my little runt with a giant size personality.
Every where I go people love on her. She is so precious... Thank you for selling her to me.
Jeannette L. Gover
St. Ann, MO
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