It’s Where Puppies Come From

Customer Referrals

Page Eight

































Met Halfway


“I just want to thank you for breeding for "quality" pets. I adopted Chip Allen from you...the cutest Chihuahua ever. He is such a true blessing. His parents named...Leroy Allen (my dad's name) and Eva or Eve Allen (my mother's name)....remember that? He is doing great. He is such a lover. He grooms my cats and dogs and is the best little man ever. He is loving, warm and gentle. I am blessed to have him. I loved seeing his photo on your site again. Love your Akitas as well. Let me know when you get a gorgeous female Akita. I had Akita for years and years and miss having that wonderful breed. They are so loyal and loving. Thank you.”


Lisa Allen, Troy, IL







Mal Chi

Met Halfway




I just wanted to touch base with you to let you know that our new addition to our home is settling in just fine. Our girls loved the name so we are sticking with Mimzy. We all just absolutely adore her! She had her picture taken with my girls and Santa this past weekend. (We found a dress that almost matched theirs!)


She is just the sweetest little thing. She did fabulous at the vet too!!!! She is a true blessing in our lives and has brought our family a lot of joy. Thank you again and I hope you and your family have a safe and enjoyable holiday season.”


Angie Maher, Collinsville, IL





Shih Poo

Customer Pick Up


“Hello there..


I don't know if you remember us or not but my husband and I drove down from central Illinois and purchased Hooch from you.. Hooch is now known as "Max aka.. Millionaire..aka.. poo ka choo!!" I'm sorry I haven't updated you until now but,it's all good news. He's the best dog! And spoiled rotten, as he's laying in my lap while I'm typing this!!


I also write you to let you know, we are possibly looking at getting our other son one of these awesome puppies. I've got my eye on Bradley, but my husband and I are still discussing if the timing is right. If not, then we will keep checking your website periodically.


Take care and thank you for giving us the privilege to purchase Max (hooch). We couldn't have asked for a better puppy!! :)


Tania Williams, Bloomington, IL




Shih Poo

Met Halfway




Thank you! She's the best puppy ever. My now 5 year old couldn't have gotten a better birthday present. McKenzie had to skip preschool today because she has "puppy-itis". When I called the school today to let them know she wouldn't be there, that's what I told them. They didn't know what that illness was, I explained that she had gotten a puppy for her birthday, and wasn't able to leave it today to go to school. I don't think they were amused. However, we couldn't be happier. McKenzie carries "Natyri" around with her everywhere. I guarantee you, we picked the right pup! Thanks again!”


Dennis and Trish Boone, Independence, MO



Next Page

Shih Poo





Just wanted to let you know that we got our ShiPoo from you back in 2009. Maggie is the BEST dog we could ever have wished for. She is playful and VERY smart...


Thanks for providing our family with such an awesome pet. We will be moving to some land and I plan to get another dog from you in the near future.... Happy Holidays from the Luppens Family in Blue Springs MO.”


Diana Luppens, Blue Springs, MO





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